Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sweet! Part I~5

"Yeah! Me!"
"You weren't here before!"
"That's because this is a dream, and anything can happen here!"
"Im dreaming?"
"So you're just my imagination?"
"Um, sorta? I am a real person, but... you have not met me yet..."
"Hey, by chance is this your cat?"
"No... I mean, it could be, but I don't have any memory of owning a black cat..."
"She's purple! Or, maybe she is black?"
"You sure have a hard time making up your mind about things!"
"Heh, well, I just like listening to people's input, so I've been labeled as 'gullible' or a 'sucker'."
"What's your name?"
"Oooh! I know the answer to this one! My name is..."
"What's the matter?"
"I... feel... weird..."

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