Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sweet! Part II~ 101

"Well, you fell down three flights of stairs."
"We thought you were dead! We were like, OH NO! And then we checked your pulse and you were fine."
"So we brought you up the rest of the way, and I made chocolate and strawberry cake with my hammer. Your favorite!"
"That was two and a half hours ago. We think your ankle might be twisted really bad. Wendy and I talked, and we think we'll stay here until it gets better. It shouldn't take more than a few days. If not, we'll just amputate."
"Oh Toby, you goof. Colton, I think you'll really like Toby, we've been talking and he's really funny and awesome, and he likes the music you like, and he likes Puffy Pony Pals, like me!"

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