"I'm not spontaneo-Mmph!"
"Wendy, let's not scare the poor guy away."
"Hai dimmnt mephn twhoo!"
"Sorry, Tobias. I'm Colton. I'm really cool. My flavor is cola. This is Wendy. She's really cute and weird. Her flavor is frosting."
"Bhlooh fwroshting!"
"Yeah whatever."
"Heheh, great."
"Oh and that cat over there is Skittles. He may or may not be directly related to the Devil."
"Oh... oh my. That's nice. Satan kitties. Wonderful."
"How about you tell us a bit about yourself?"
"Well, uh... I'm a male, thank you, and I'm 14 and a half or something."
"I'hm fourghting thoo!"
"Hooray! We're twins. Oh, and my flavor is Green Apple Sucker."
"A... sucker?"
"Yup! I'm known as a bit of an idiot, or 'sucker' as my friends used to call me, but I just give people the benefit of the doubt and like to listen to their input!"
"Yeah, but what I'd tell 'em if they were all still here, I'd tell 'em, 'I may be an idiot but at least I'm not a dead one!"
"I'm assuming all of them are dead...?"
"Yup! Bit ironic, huh? I watched them all die in horrible ways. Few got eaten, others were pulled apart, and a few burned to death in their own homes. But I was the 'idiot', and I survived! Hah! Take that, 'friends'!"
Wendy and Colton exchange nervous glances at eachother at Tobias' strange remarks. They were rather chilling and disturbing.
"You know why I survived? I stole this chainsaw. And this is gonna sound weird, but it can make candy out of thin air! That's what I've lived on, besides raw insect meat."
Wendy's eyes open wide and she tears Colton's hand off of her mouth.
You realize that I am now narrating instead of making actual panels. You are disappointed in me and shake your head.
"It makes candy!? It's an Oracle!"
"Oh God."
"We've found one, Colton! We've found it!"
"An Oracle! Long story short, we need all six of the magic weapons to defeat the bugs!"
"Oh. So... are you going to try to take it away from me?"
"No! Come with us to find the other three! It'll be fun!"
"Wait, do we have room in the car...?"
"Never mind that, Colton dearie. Welcome to the crew, Tobias!"
"Oh yay! I have friends again!"
"You're not going to watch us burn like the others... I hope?"
"I don't know! Heehee!"
"You laugh like a girl."
"I do not!"
"Alright, no fighting, lets get in the car!"
"Oh, can we stop by my place so I can pick up something? I forgot it."
"Sure, where is your home?"
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