You, as a reader are quite confused of the happenings thus far in this story.
This terrible jpeg image is courtesy of google, since I, as the author have discovered that I can not draw something that resembles an explosion of candy. What is happening? Well, the girl you saw previously goes by the name of Wendy... um... Wendy... I actually don't know her last name or if she even has one. This is the story of Wendy and her allies, and how they brought their world back from a Tim-Burton-Avenged-Seven-fold-place, to the magical fairy-fartopia filled with candy and unicorns. You stare at the screen, unsure of why on earth I, as the magnificent and majestic author of this story, even decided to start this project. It gets better, I swear. So, bear with me.
Sit down chillins, this bard's 'bout to tell you a story.
Thank you.
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