"Oh frosted cupcakes."
"Hi, dearie, I'm Rosalyn! Keeper of nightmares! Nyeahahaha!"
"Are you a skeleton?"
"Heavens, no! Skeletons are nasty, mean, bony things who are rude, rude, rude!"
"What are you?"
"I'm a spirit...! I... think? Well, something like that!"
"Are you going to hurt me?"
"Why would I do that? To be honest, I like you Wendy. Same with my sister, she likes you too... Well... if it's even possible for her to like any one. If anything, we're here to help you, and right now, I need to warn you about the future."
"The future? Can you see it? Is it great?"
"Well, the funny thing about the future is that if varies. And you will soon miss an opportunity to survive."
"They've found you out, Wendy, the bugs. They know where you are, and at this moment, the Queen insect herself is giving orders to storm your hiding place. If you don't leave now, you're chances for survival are slim. Take your hammer, the annoying cool kid, and the kitten. You won't make it without them."
"But, my... Mom and Dad gave up their lives to make sure the underground place was a safe haven... If we leave, then won't I be forsaking my parents?"
"No, in fact, they told me it was time for you to leave."
"They told you?"
"I can speak to the dead, you know... after all, I'm the keeper of nightmares, and they are in a better place now."
"Wowzers! Next time you see them, will you tell them that... that... Oh there's so much to tell them! Uh, just tell them I love them."
"They already know that, sweetums! But alas, I most likely will not be able to speak to them for a long time. For they are in a place where I am not allowed. I am a miserable deviation and they were made perfect again, and they are in the place where all perfect ones are kept, and I am not allowed because of my malicious appearance and the demons I struggle with. In fact, they had to come to me to speak with me. Sigh, I wish I was beautiful, too."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Rosalyn. I think you're pretty. Who is your sister?"
"You really think I am? Oh you ask a lot of questions! Hehe! She's the dream keeper, if you have not guessed. She thinks a little too highly of herself and lets me deal with all the nasty work. That's why I'm here talking to you. I think she might be at a banquet of celestial keepers or something of that sort. I don't mind because I got to talk to you Wendy! You'd best be waking up, because time is of the essence."
"Oh, alright! Wait, one more question! Who was the bleeding boy?"
"Spoilers! How I love them! It's dreadfully cruel of me to taunt you with the future, but that was actually important for you two to meet. That was a warning, if you fail to vamoose in time, not only will your life be taken, but other survivors'."
"Wait, more survivors?"
"Oh yes! In fact, there are many more than just the ones that you will be able to rescue, and they are getting along just fine, but the ones you really, really need to find are the ones with precious items called ORACLES."
"Wow, my eyes, is that coloration really needed to get the point across? Wait, why can I hear color?"
"This is a dream, love, anything is possible. Now, really quick, Oracles. *see, I even toned down the color for you.* There are six of them in total. These things are weapons who wield extreme power, and the ability to produce unlimited supplies of certain elements or objects."
"Hey, that sounds like my handy-wammy-bammy-hammy!"
"Your... what?"
"My hammer!"
"Oh, yes, that's because your hammer is an Oracle! (Why would you call it that, silly goose?)"
"Really!? How did my parents get their hands on it?"
"Well, for your parents, they had gone on a marvelous adventure long ago, and had used the hammer to protect themselves, but for most Oracle holders, it was fate or just a family heirloom."
"Yes, lovely. Oh! Look at the time(-non-relevant-to-normal-time)! You need to go! I shall speak to you later, Wendy!"
"Oh, I wish we could talk forever! Oh well, see you soon, Rosalyn!"
"Oh, before you leave, I might want to warn you that you probably not tell the annoying-cool-kid about this. As much as he thinks he's a 'legit bro' he's the slightest bit of a coward. You should probably take his gun too, it's an Oracle."
"It is!? Oh wow-wee~! What an interesting dream and revelation! I shall coax him *sneakily* to leave with me! Adios, Rosalyn!"
"Farewell, my glory-bound friend."